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New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

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  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

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{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} Point
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{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}
Japanese A4 Wagyu Sirloin Yakiniku about150g

Japanese A4 Wagyu Sirloin Yakiniku about150g

Free ship (Refrigerated Transport) Over $800 after discount on order

Same-day courier delivery can be arranged for over $1000 (except for remote areas) on order

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Japanese A4 Wagyu Sirloin Yakiniku is a premium beef variety that is highly acclaimed for its exceptional taste and abundant marbling. Yakiniku is a traditional Japanese grilling method that is perfect for cooking and savoring this high-quality beef.

Yakiniku is typically enjoyed at a dining table equipped with a grill or barbecue stove, allowing guests to cook their own ingredients. Here is a general process for enjoying Japanese A4 Wagyu Sirloin Yakiniku:

1. Prepare the ingredients: In addition to A4 Wagyu sirloin beef, you can also prepare some side dishes such as fresh vegetables (onions, scallions, mushrooms, etc.) and condiments (soy sauce, garlic paste, chili sauce, etc.).

2. Set up the grill: Place the grill in the center of the table and light the heat source. You can choose to use charcoal or an electric grill, depending on personal preference and equipment availability.

3. Slice the beef: Cut the A4 Wagyu sirloin beef into thin slices suitable for grilling. Thinner slices help to cook the meat more evenly and make it more tender.

4. Cook the beef: Place the beef slices on the grill and cook until the surface turns golden brown with a slightly pink interior. The grilling time depends on personal taste and the thickness of the slices, usually around 1-2 minutes per side.

5. Dip in sauce: Dip the grilled beef slices into your preferred seasoning sauce, such as soy sauce, garlic paste, chili sauce, etc., to enhance the flavor.

6. Pair with side dishes: Serve the grilled beef slices with fresh vegetables. You can wrap the beef in lettuce leaves or grill them together with the vegetables.

7. Enjoy the delicacy: Taste the grilled beef slices and side dishes together, savoring the joy of yakiniku and the deliciousness of the Wagyu beef.

Please note that grilling time can be adjusted according to personal taste and the thickness of the beef slices. Additionally, you can choose other seasonings and side dishes according to your preference to make the yakiniku more suited to your taste. Wishing you a delightful experience indulging in the deliciousness of A4 Wagyu Sirloin Yakiniku!
Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Next day cold shipping (free shipping on orders over $800) (choose delivery date)***If the order is less than $800, $65 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Same-day express delivery (free shipping for orders over $1,000) ***If the order is less than $1,000, $110 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Self-pickup at Kwun Tong store(SHOP E ON 1ST FLOOR ,COS CENTRE ,NO.56 TSUN YIP STREET ,KOWLOON)

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • WeChat Pay
  • Alipay (HK)
  • FPS
  • Payme
Customer Reviews
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}