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Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

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SUKIYAKI Japan A5 Wagyu Set (suitable for 2-3 people)

SUKIYAKI Japan A5 Wagyu Set (suitable for 2-3 people)

Japan A5 Wagyu Beef Eye Sukiyaki Wooden Box One Box
carefully selected ingredients
Japan scallop 4 pieces
Two Japan eggs
Matsuba crab claws six pieces
Japan Chikuwa four pieces
4 fresh mushrooms
1 serving of fresh vegetables
1 piece fresh scallions
One Sukiyaki Sauce

Free ship (Refrigerated Transport) Over $800 after discount on order

Same-day courier delivery can be arranged for over $1000 (except for remote areas) on order

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Buy Together and Save More (At most {{ addItemQuantity }} item(s))

Japanese A5 Black Hair and Beef Siren Sukiyaki Tablets (about 150g)
Sale HK$216.00

日本 A5和牛肉眼 壽喜燒(木盒)約384-400g
Sale HK$680.00

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Discover the art of sukiyaki

Sukiyaki (sukiyaki) is a traditional Japanese dish with a unique cooking method and flavor,

It originated during the Meiji period and was considered a treat to celebrate special occasions

Among the many cuisines in the world, sake marinating is a culinary art emphasized in Japan, famous for its unique taste and ancient tradition. One of the most famous dishes is sukiyaki (sukiyaki). Discovering the taste of "Sukiyaki" is a pure pleasure, with its unique combination of meat, vegetables and sauces that will leave you wanting more.

However, "Sukiyaki" is just the tip of the iceberg in Japanese cuisine. There’s another ingredient that’s both overlooked and underappreciated: Wagyu beef eye. Wagyu beef eye, one of the most tender and tastiest parts of beef, is often valued, expensive and not considered worth buying. After you unravel the mystery of wagyu eye, you’ll discover that it tastes amazing. Its pliability, rich fat distribution and unique mouthfeel make it an incredibly irresistible treat.
In this article, we’ll explore what’s unique about “sukiyaki” and the secrets of beef eye. We'll share how to make delicious "sukiyaki" and reveal the tradition and culture behind it. We'll also explore different ways to cook Wagyu beef eye and how to maximize its flavor and texture.
Get ready for a gastronomic journey as we reveal the secrets of flavor.


1. The Art of Sukiyaki: Introducing this traditional Japanese dish
Sukiyaki is a traditional Japanese dish with unique cooking methods and flavors. It originated during the Meiji period and was considered a treat to celebrate special occasions. The main characteristics of sukiyaki are seared beef, tofu, vegetables and noodles cooked together and then dipped in a special sauce. This cooking method keeps the ingredients original, tender, juicy and rich in taste.
What's unique about sukiyaki is the way it's cooked. Typically, this dish is cooked in a hot pot with a thin layer of oil on the bottom to prevent the ingredients from sticking. After being cooked, the ingredients are often stained with a delicious blush, making people salivate.
However, sukiyaki is more than just delicious cuisine, it also has historical and cultural significance attached to it. It represents the Japanese people's emphasis on family and togetherness, as well as their love and pursuit of food.


2. The historical and cultural significance of sukiyaki
The history of sukiyaki can be traced back to the Meiji period in Japan. The earliest sukiyaki was created by a chef named Sasaki Nao. He cooks braised beef and vegetables and dips them in a special sauce. This delicacy quickly became popular in Japan and became a celebratory food for special occasions.
Sukiyaki plays an important role in Japanese culture. It is considered a delicacy that represents family togetherness and intimacy. Usually, people sit around the hot pot, chatting while cooking, and enjoy the hot sukiyaki. This shared style of dining strengthens bonds between family and friends and becomes a unique sight on the Japanese dining table.
In addition, sukiyaki plays an important role in Japanese festivals and celebrations. For example, during the New Year period, people eat a special kind of sukiyaki to pray for happiness and good luck. These traditions make sukiyaki a part of Japanese culture.


3. The main ingredients of sukiyaki and their importance
The main ingredients of sukiyaki include beef, tofu, vegetables and noodles. The mushroom ingredients all play an important role in adding unique flavor and texture to this plate.
Beef is the core ingredient of sukiyaki and the soul of this meat. Choosing high-quality beef is key to making delicious sukiyaki. The beef should be tender, juicy, and evenly divided to retain the taste of the ingredients. Commonly used beef breeds include beef eye, Wagyu, Kuroge, and Angus, among others.
Tofu is another ingredient in sukiyaki. It is a rich protein and nutritious ingredient that can increase the taste and nutritional value of meals. The soft texture of the tofu complements the tender texture of the beef, adding a rich layer of texture to the sukiyaki.
Vegetables play an important role in sukiyaki. Vegetables add texture and nutritional value to dishes, and provide rich color and flavor to sukiyaki. Common vegetables include onions, radish, mushrooms and bean sprouts.
Noodles are another important component of sukiyaki. The addition of noodles can increase the satiety of the food and provide rich texture and chewiness to the sukiyaki. Commonly used types of noodles include mung bean vermicelli, soba noodles, and udon noodles.
Through the reasonable combination and cooking of these main raw materials, sukiyaki with rich and unique flavor can be produced.


4. Different variations of Sukiyaki across Japan
Sukiyaki from all over Japan has its own characteristics and flavors, and each region has its own unique cooking methods and seasoning methods. Here are the sukiyaki variations found across Japan:
– Kyoto-style sukiyaki: Kyoto’s sukiyaki features light flavors and delicate ingredients. Usually high-quality Wagyu beef and fresh vegetables are used, with special sauces. This kind of sukiyaki pays attention to the balance of taste and details, giving people an elegant feeling.
– Tokyo-style sukiyaki: Tokyo’s sukiyaki features these flavors and bold seasonings. Rich seasonings such as soy sauce, mirin and sugar are usually used to make the dishes sweeter and more delicious. This kind of sukiyaki focuses on the layers of seasoning and rich texture, giving people a strong feeling.
– Osaka-style sukiyaki: Osaka’s sukiyaki features rich ingredients and unique seasonings. A variety of fresh vegetables and seafood are usually used, paired with special sauces. This type of sukiyaki focuses on the diversity of ingredients and the balance of flavors, giving it a conveyed feel.
Sukiyaki from different regions has its own characteristics, but they all represent the essence and uniqueness of Japanese cuisine. Trying sukiyaki from different regions and experiencing different flavors and cultures will be an unforgettable culinary journey.


5. Master the Art of Sukiyaki: Tips and Tricks for Cooking and Eating
Making sukiyaki requires some delicious cooking and eating tips and tricks. Here are some tips to help you make and enjoy sukiyaki:
– Choose quality ingredients: Choosing fresh, high-quality beef and vegetables is key to making delicious sukiyaki. The beef should be tender and juicy, and the vegetables should be fresh. This ensures the taste and flavor of the dish.
– Use of hot pot: Choosing the right hot pot is an important factor in making sukiyaki. Hot pots should have good thermal conductivity and heat resistance to ensure that the ingredients are heated evenly. In addition, the size and depth of the hot pot should also be adjusted according to the quantity and size of the ingredients.
– Control of cooking time: The cooking time of beef and vegetables is the key to making sukiyaki. Beef should be cooked until just browned to maintain its tender, juicy texture. Vegetables should be cooked until soft but still chewy to add texture variety to the meat.
– Sauce condiments: The sauce for sukiyaki is the soul of the table. Typically, sauces are made from seasonings such as soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and Japanese sake. The proportions and taste of the sauce can be customized according to personal taste preferences.
– Tips on how to eat: When eating sukiyaki, you can dip the ingredients into a special sauce

Here are some tips to help you improve the flavor and eating experience of your sukiyaki. Remember to adjust to personal preferences and special needs and enjoy delicious sukiyaki!

1. Choose high-quality beef: Choose high-quality Kuroge Wagyu beef, which has fresh and tender meat and a better taste.

2. Reduce beef fat: You can use less beef fat to reduce rainwater content while maintaining the delicious taste of your food.

3. Pan-fried green onions: Pan-fried green onions can release more aroma and flavor, enhancing the flavor of sukiyaki.

4. Beat raw eggs in a bowl: If you wish to use raw eggs, you can heat the egg liquid to a safe temperature before beating it to ensure food safety.

5. Use fresh ingredients: Make sure to use high-quality and fresh ingredients, which will help enhance the flavor and texture of the sukiyaki.

6. Control the amount of sauce used: Adjust the amount of sukiyaki sauce according to your personal taste and avoid adding too much sauce to prevent the sukiyaki from becoming too dry or too salty.

7. Add water and seasoning: If the sauce is too thick or too salty, you can add a small amount of water to adjust the taste.

8. Pair it with different carbohydrates: In addition to rice, you can also consider pairing it with udon noodles or other carbohydrates to enhance the nutritional texture and taste.

9. Pay attention to food safety: When using raw meat, make sure it is fully cooked to a safe eating temperature.
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  • 壽喜燒-壽喜燒外賣-和牛壽喜燒
  • 壽喜燒-壽喜燒外賣-壽喜燒套餐
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