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New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

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Spanish Pork Plum Braised Pork Slices 200g

Spanish Pork Plum Braised Pork Slices 200g

When it comes to Spanish pork plum roast slices, it usually refers to dishes made from Iberian pig meat. This pork variety is raised in the Iberian Peninsula in southern Spain and is famous for its high-quality meat quality and unique flavor.

The following are a basic steps to make pork plum braise

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When it comes to Spanish pork plum roast slices, it usually refers to dishes made from Iberian pig meat. This pork variety is raised in the Iberian Peninsula in southern Spain and is famous for its high-quality meat quality and unique flavor.

The following are a basic steps to make pork plum braised pork slices:


- Pork and plum meat: about 500g

- Sea salt: moderate amount

- Fresh lemon juice: moderate

- Olive oil: appropriate amount


1. Cut the pork plum into thin slices. You can choose to cut it into a thickness of about 0.5 to 1 cm.

2. Heat it on the grill to reach medium and high temperature.

3. Put the pork slices on the grill and bake on each side for about 2 to 3 minutes until the meat is cooked and golden.

4. During the barbecue, sprinkle a small amount of sea salt to enhance the flavor.

5. When the pork is cooked, remove it and put it on the plate.

6. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice on the roasted pork slices to add some acidity.

7. Finally, sprinkle some olive oil to add a rich taste.

This is a simple way to make it, which allows you to taste the flavor of pork plum braised pork slices. You can also add other seasonings or ingredients according to your personal taste, such as black pepper, garlic, rosemary, etc., to add flavor levels.

The key to making pork plum braised pork slices is to choose high-quality pork and ensure that the tenderness and juicy meat are maintained during the roasting process. When enjoying, it can be served with side dishes such as fresh salads, roasted vegetables or baked potatoes to increase the overall eating experience.
Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Next day cold shipping (free shipping on orders over $800) (choose delivery date)***If the order is less than $800, $65 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Same-day express delivery (free shipping for orders over $1,000) ***If the order is less than $1,000, $110 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Self-pickup at Kwun Tong store(SHOP E ON 1ST FLOOR ,COS CENTRE ,NO.56 TSUN YIP STREET ,KOWLOON)

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • WeChat Pay
  • Alipay (HK)
  • FPS
  • Payme
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