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New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

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{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} Point
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Pickled fish | Zhen. Pickled Fish | Golden Soup |

Pickled fish | Zhen. Pickled Fish | Golden Soup |

Pickled fish is a very popular Chinese dish, mainly made of fish and pickled cabbage.

It is a classic dish in Sichuan cuisine, famous for its unique taste and food value.

This product uses fresh fish and high-quality pickled cabbage. Commonly used fish include grass carp, carp or big fish, cut the

Free ship (Refrigerated Transport) Over $800 after discount on order

Same-day courier delivery can be arranged for over $1000 (except for remote areas) on order

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Pickled fish is a very popular Chinese dish, mainly made of fish and pickled cabbage. It is a classic dish in Sichuan cuisine, famous for its unique taste and food value.

The key to making sauerkraut fish is to choose fresh fish and high-quality sauerkraut. Commonly used fish include grass carp, carp or big fish, cut the fish fillet into appropriate size pieces. Pickled cabbage is a fermented vegetable, which brings sour taste and unique flavor to the sauerkraut fish.

The following are the general steps to make sauerkraut fish:

Prepare fish fillets: Remove the scales and internal organs of the fish, wash them and cut them into appropriate-sized pieces. You can choose to leave the fish head or remove the fish head according to your personal taste.

Prepare pickled cabbage: Wash the pickled cabbage and cut it into small pieces for later use. If the sauerkraut is too sour or salty, you can wash it with water first to remove part of the salt.

Stir-fry spices: Heat the pan, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

Stir-fry pickled cabbage: Put the pickled cabbage into the pot and stir-fry evenly to release the aroma of pickled cabbage.

Cook fish fillets: Put the fish fillets into the pan and gently fry them until both sides are slightly yellow. Then add an appropriate amount of clear soup or water, bring to a boil and turn to low heat and simmer.

Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of salt, white pepper, cooking wine and other seasonings according to personal taste.

Soup: Continue to cook until the fish fillets are cooked, and the sour taste of pickled cabbage penetrates into the fish. You can add a moderate amount of broth to increase the consistency of the soup.

Plate: Put the cooked sauerkraut fish into a large bowl or plate, and sprinkle with minced garlic, coriander, etc. as a decoration.

In this way, a delicious sauerkraut fish is finished. It is loved by the majority of diners because it is sour, spicy and refreshing, and the fish is fresh and tender.

At the same time, sauerkraut fish is also a nutritious dish, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which is suitable for family dinners or banquets.
Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Next day cold shipping (free shipping on orders over $800) (choose delivery date)***If the order is less than $800, $65 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Same-day express delivery (free shipping for orders over $1,000) ***If the order is less than $1,000, $110 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Self-pickup at Kwun Tong store(SHOP E ON 1ST FLOOR ,COS CENTRE ,NO.56 TSUN YIP STREET ,KOWLOON)

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • WeChat Pay
  • Alipay (HK)
  • FPS
  • Payme
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