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New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

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  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

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{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} Point
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{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}
Beef horn seaweed and sesame rice

Beef horn seaweed and sesame rice

Niujiao seaweed sesame rice vegetarian is a vegetarian dish, which combines Niujiao seaweed, sesame and rice ingredients. This dish usually uses white rice as the base, and then adds horn seaweed, sesame and other seasonings. The following is a simple recipe for horn seaweed and sesame rice:

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Niujiao seaweed sesame rice vegetarian is a vegetarian dish, which combines Niujiao seaweed, sesame and rice ingredients. This dish usually uses white rice as the base, and then adds horn seaweed, sesame and other seasonings. The following is a simple recipe for horn seaweed and sesame rice:


- Rice: 2 cups

- Cow horn seaweed: moderate amount

- Sesame: appropriate amount

- Salt: 1/2 teaspoon

- Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon

- Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon

- Shredded seaweed (optional): moderate amount


1. Cook the rice and set it for cold.

2. Cut the horns into slender strips or small pieces.

3. Put the sesame seeds into a dry frying pan and stir-fry them over medium-low heat until fragrant. Then put the fried sesame seeds into the bowl.

4. Grind the fried sesame seeds into fine sesame powder with a grinder or stone mortar.

5. In a large bowl, mix the cooked rice, horn seaweed, salt, soy sauce and sesame oil evenly.

6. Add the grated sesame seeds and mix well again.

7. Put the horn seaweed sesame rice in a bowl, and you can choose to sprinkle some shredded seaweed on the top for decoration.

8. After completion, you can enjoy the beef horn seaweed and sesame rice.

This is a simple recipe for horn seaweed and sesame rice. You can adjust the proportion of ingredients and the amount of seasoning according to your own taste. I hope you like this vegetarian dish!
Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Next day cold shipping (free shipping on orders over $800) (choose delivery date)***If the order is less than $800, $65 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Same-day express delivery (free shipping for orders over $1,000) ***If the order is less than $1,000, $110 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Self-pickup at Kwun Tong store(SHOP E ON 1ST FLOOR ,COS CENTRE ,NO.56 TSUN YIP STREET ,KOWLOON)

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • WeChat Pay
  • Alipay (HK)
  • FPS
  • Payme
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