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New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

Store address: Shop E, 1/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong︱Contact number: 64841287

New members who successfully register will receive $100-shopping credit︱Existing members will receive another $100-shopping credit birthday gift in their birthday month

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Australian Wagyu Set

Australian Wagyu Set

1. Australian M6-M7 and beef eye
2. Australian M6-M7 Wagyu Sirloin
3. Australian M4+ Wagyu T-Bone Steak

The Australian Wa Niu Sanbao set provides different parts of beef, each of which has a unique taste.

Whether you like a tender and smooth taste, a chewy taste or a rich and juicy taste,

Free ship (Refrigerated Transport) Over $800 after discount on order

Same-day courier delivery can be arranged for over $1000 (except for remote areas) on order

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阿聯酋 中東龍蝦尾 3oz
Sale HK$46.00

Japanese Kyushu A5 and beef shoulder brain meat hot pot slices about 200-220g
Sale HK$228.00

美國黑安格斯牛小排 一口牛 約200g
Sale HK$138.00

日本 鹿兒島 A5和牛 肉眼扒 220g
Sale HK$338.00

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 Australian M6-M7 Wagyu Steak is a premium beef breed considered one of the best in the world. M6-M7 Wagyu beef is a breed formed by crossing Australian and Japanese Wagyu cattle. It combines the advantages of both and has excellent meat quality and ideal fat distribution.

 The meat of M6-M7 Wagyu beef is extremely tender, rich in taste, and has a rich fat texture. This fat is evenly distributed, making the meat more tender and juicy, and giving beef its unique flavor. The fat of M6 Wagyu beef has a low melting point, so it melts in your mouth, giving you a rich aroma and rich taste.

 When making M6-M7 Wagyu steak, the beef is typically cut into thick slices and then properly seasoned and cooked using a method such as pan-frying, grilling, or grilling. This high-quality beef steak retains its superior texture and flavor during cooking.

 Due to the relatively scarce supply and high price of Australian M6-M7 Wagyu beef, it is often viewed as a luxury item and is popular in fine restaurants and special occasions. Whether at a serious steak dinner or a gourmet feast, Australian M6-M7 Wagyu Steaks deliver a unique and irresistible delicious experience.

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The history of Australian Wagyu can be traced back to the 1970s, when the Australian government began to introduce cattle to improve local ranch performance. However, Australian Wagyu beef really became famous in the late 1990s. Due to strict breed selection, high-quality feed, spacious grazing and good environmental management systems, Australian Wagyu beef is recognized as one of the top beefs in the world. Its excellent quality is reflected in the highly separated fat belt structure, which makes the meat more premium and softer, and enhances the flavor and taste.

The excellent quality of Australian Wagyu beef is not only due to excellent breeding conditions, but also due to Australians’ high concern for the welfare of cattle. The Australian government has formulated a series of strict animal welfare regulations to ensure that cattle are strictly cared for during the entire raising process. Ranchers focus on providing spacious grazing land so that cattle can move freely, and receive regular health inspections and vaccinations. This business philosophy of focusing on cattle welfare not only improves the quality of Australian Wagyu beef, but also provides consumers with a more secure and reliable choice. The success of Australian and natural cattle also benefits from Australia’s unique environment. The grasslands and rich natural resources on the Australian border provide high-quality feed sources for cattle. Australia's mild climate and abundant transformation allow grasslands to grow lushly, providing rich nutritional plants for cattle to eat. This natural feed environment makes the meat of Australian Wagyu beef more tender, juicy and full of natural flavor. The success story of Australian Wagyu also confirms that Australians are highly concerned about the welfare of cattle, which is not only reflected in the breeding conditions, but also in the breeding and breeding process. Australian ranchers focus on selecting healthy breeds of cattle and using advanced breeding techniques to improve cattle quality. We also pay attention to the cattle's diet and provide them with balanced and nutritious feed to ensure their health and growth. This all-round attention and care has made Australian Wagyu cattle recognized and sought after around the world. In addition to concerns about cattle welfare, the Australian government is also committed to protecting and maintaining the sustainable development of ranches. They have adopted a series of environmental protection measures, such as water management, soil protection and waste disposal, to ensure the ecological balance and environmental sustainability of the ranch. This sustainable development business philosophy is not only conducive to protecting Australia's natural environment, but also provides a hard foundation for the quality of Australian Wagyu beef. The success of Australian Wagyu is also inseparable from Australians’ strict requirements for food safety and quality. Australia has implemented strict supervision and testing systems for government beef production to ensure the safety and hygiene of beef. Every piece of Australian Wagyu beef has been strictly inspected and refined, so consumers can enjoy this delicious meal with confidence.

Attached is a tutorial video, making it easier to cook and share delicious food!

Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Next day cold shipping (free shipping on orders over $800) (choose delivery date)***If the order is less than $800, $65 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Same-day express delivery (free shipping for orders over $1,000) ***If the order is less than $1,000, $110 shipping fee will be charged***
  • Self-pickup at Kwun Tong store(SHOP E ON 1ST FLOOR ,COS CENTRE ,NO.56 TSUN YIP STREET ,KOWLOON)

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
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